idea: replacing the current typical and no-tasteful loading animations with web/app service's context-relevant and make-sense creative ones
background: I bumped into many websites or apps where loading animation is typical circling ones (i.e. link). That type of non-contextual animations interrupts and disconnects users' "flow" or stream-of-thoughts for a moment in finishing up what they wanted to accomplish by using the sites or apps. Though creating a contextual loading animation may require some plannings but the effort will pay off. For users at e-commerce sites, they can finish their shopping without the feeling of interruptions or distractions so that they can focus on purchasing the items that they had in mind. For e-commerce businesses, since turnover per user, meaning users quickly buy items in their shopping carts instead of staying on payment page too long, can be slightly higher than their previous system, e-commerce sites' revenue can be increased.
usecase: As soon as users select "Publish" icon (i.e. link) at, the site can display a printing process animation providing users an impression that their writings are being printed through a printing machine at a newspaper factory until users' writings are finished updating.
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