실리콘밸리의 한국인: 글로벌 IT무대에서 활약하는 우리들의 이야기
(translation: Koreans in Silicon Valley: Our Action Story on Global IT Stage)
Naver Green Factory Connect Hall
April 14, 2015 (Tue) 9:00~18:30
list (link)
Naver, Startup Alliance, K Internet
start-up, career, innovation
- 실리콘밸리101 - 당신이 알고 싶었던 실리콘밸리의 모든 것 [음재훈 Jay Eum, Co-Founder & Managing Director@TransLink Capital]
- lesson
- how to determine good company: use common sense
- VC’s life: fundraising ⅓, investment ⅓,
- advice on hardware startup
- front-end: design, app
- back-end: data, cloud
- personal takeaway: use common sense to choose a startup to work for
- Y Combinator에서 배운 스타트업 엑셀러레이션 [하형석 Hyungseok Dino Ha, CEO@Memebox Corp.]
- lesson: growth focus, growth only
- one question weekly asked: how much % growth for the past week
- personal takeaway: you can’t succeed if you keep sitting around
- 영어를 잘 못하는 창업자가 실리콘밸리에서 일하는 법 [이수인 Sooinn Lee, Co-Founder@Locomotive Labs]
- lesson and personal takeaway: CEOs need to learn how to be CEO e.g. CEO Bootcamp
- 하버드와 MIT의 수재들 디자인으로 리드하기 [이혜진 Hyejin Lee, CEO@THE MEME design]
- lesson:
- Good to Great: good is the enemy of great, who is more important than what
- Meet your new you and converse with him/her
- personal takeaway: in choosing where to work, among other lists to consider, choose who instead of what
- 촌놈, 미국에서 글로벌 기업의 사업부를 이끌다 [오태호 Taeho Oh, Global business executive specialized in mobile and multimedia@Dolby Laboratories]
- lesson:
- business culture
- passion, not emotion
- productivity via email, conference call
- work more than it looks
- the way of thinking
- always ask why
- work together; debate
- say it’s mine
- to be a leader
- communication by ongoing practice
- build a great team
- be confident
- personal takeaway: always ask why and be confident
- 실리콘밸리와 한국 스타트업의 문화 차이 [Mike Kim, Global Partnerships@Woowa Brothers]
- lesson: best time to be in Korea for startups
- personal takeaway:
- list up what I learned from Google
- list up what kinds of problems I have solved
- list up experiences per domain experience, communication capability, teamwork
- 나도 할 수 있다는 혁신 - 맨주먹으로 시작하기 [권기태 Kitae Kwon,Technical Manager@TSMC]
- lesson:
- bootstrapping: customer funded company by income, savings, credit cards, second mortgage, etc.
- how boostrapping? e.g. through hacking
- excel in execution: the only key for success
- radical experiments: ready -> fire -> aim (reason: cost of fail < opportunity)
- personal takeaway:
- experiment, experiment and experiment fast!!!
- build your product from starting with smaller projects