6. 20 토
사용자 행동 데이터 분석하기 #1
구글 애널리틱스 개요, 활용 사례 및 기능 기능들 둘러보기
- lesson:
- wrong approach of focusing on pageviews needs to be avoided and why data analysis is important
- purpose of below ad technique
- “헉” or “설마”: hooking
- moving ad: design of eyes follow moving object, error click
- small x button: error click
- reason: page view ⇔ revenue
- loser: user, advertiser
- winner: platform (e.g. Google ad network), publisher
- solution: smart advertiser using conversion metrics
- pitfalls of mechanical application of data analysis without intuitive judgment
- benefit of intuition: in data analysis, intuition helps avoids local optimum and seasonal bias
- how to obtain skilled intuition: set up mechanism and environment, requiring both regularity and quantitative feedback
- pitfalls of A/B test: seasonal bias (e.g. users’ color preference of green and red in Halloween and Christmas season), staying within local optimum (due to hill climbing algorithm)
- data analysis requires complex learning task
- proper order of data analysis: action based quest -> questions -> data -> data analysis
- user story writing method (avoid including functions): “As a <ROLE>, I want <FEATURE> so that <BENEFIT> e.g. As a <bank customer>, I want <to withdraw cash from an ATM>, so that <I don't have to wait in line at the bank.>
- log (or weblog): system status change history (URL) by time and user (& IP address)
- web browser (or world wide web browser) is web client (or http client) (c.f. web or http server)
- c.f. add event type on GA to track down activities (e.g. transaction) within a web page
- GA:
- how-to
- for additional analysis, consider adding this
- e.g. ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); ga('require', 'linkid', 'linkid.js')
- menu
- audience: 누가 (e.g. 어떤 사람들)
- session: 방문회수 by given time
- user: unique browser number not a user (e.g. Chrome, IE, app)
- engagement metrics: e.g. new sessions, pages/sessions
- number can’t give either positive or negative (c.f. in general, higher number may mean positive); thus, combine with other metrics)
- acquisition: 어디에서 (e.g. push message, Facebook, etc.)
- direct
- referral: social (e.g. Facebook), search (organic, paid), email (e.g. Gmail), referral (others)
- behavior: 뭘했나?
- conversion: 얼마 벌었나? (e.g. purchase, download)
- goal: selection of metric needs to influence people’s behavior
- consider analyzing Top Conversion Path
- try
- modify bounce rate, filter IP for tracking
- bounce rate: session base
- personal takeaway:
- new term: hill climbing algorithm, Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS)
- 10,000 hour law:
- to obtain skilled intuition, establish mechanism and environment, requiring both regularity and quantitative feedback
- improve areas of weakness with focus
- key concept of agile development methodology: deliver values to users everyday
- Chrome Extension: Table Booster
- when communicating with software engineers, tell them what you want to accomplish (aka your intentions) instead of detailed function list
- consider implementing “careful reading” JavaScript into your website to track down accurate user feedback
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