Showing posts with label seminar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seminar. Show all posts

Monday, June 22, 2015

[seminar: my note] 2015 크리에이티브 디렉터 세미나 (translation:Creative Director Seminar 2015)

2015 크리에이티브 디렉터 세미나 (translation:Creative Director Seminar 2015)
Seoul Women’s Plaza, Seoul
June 10-11, 2015 10:00~18:00
KIPFA (Korea Internet Professionals Association)
branding, user research, font, pixel, portfolio
  1. Lesson
    1. 한국인이 바라본 중국 인터넷 기업 알리바바의 디자인본부 이모저모 (translation: A Korean Person’s Experience with Design Center of Alibaba, a Chinese Internet Company) [Min Ah Shin@Alibaba’s Taobao, Design Expert]
      1. Chinese users: people in China are very skeptical about new things
      2. user research at Taobao: e.g. visit a town and spend a whole month with users to conduct research

    1. 경험을 이끌어 내는 디자인 (translation: Experience Generating Design [Uzin Hwang@Interbrand, Executive Creative Director]
      1. Brand is about building relationship (e.g. Brompton)
      2. A design change can bring behavior change (e.g. Philip’s MRI for kids: c.f. super formula for chemotherapy drugs)
      3. Reinventing brand can transform old image to be new (e.g. Yellow Pages)
      4. Any organization’s Identity can be re-branded for a whole new image change (e.g. Hansol Museum)
      5. Interbrand experience framework has three parts: 1. insights & needs 2. idea and true 3. better, real, and shared
      6. new term: wordmark, hero typeface, motif, element

    1. 디자이너 해외진출. 무조건 + (translation: Should Designers Work Aboard? Absolutely!) [Younghee Jo@NINEFIVE, CEO]
      1. Design firms in America have feedback-friendly culture and so should you!
      2. Consider implementing golden ratio in design
      3. portfolio: have a good layout
      4. resume: make your resume fit within 1 page; consider putting communication, job relevance, teamwork, creativity, and proactiveness as strengths

    1. 픽셀 시대의 종말 (translation: The End of Pixel Era) [Byungsam Hwang@D.FY, CEO]
      1. monitor
        1. history: green -> orange -> white (e.g. Apple) -> color -> RGB -> anti-alias (9.6 pixel- Helvetica, 8.5 pixel) -> ClearType (drawing curve pretty well) -> retina 326 pixel? (according to Steve Jobs, human eyes can’t tell the difference above 300 pixel)
        2. c.f. resolution 1920 x 1080 @216 dpi ; 5 x 5 (8 bit) ---(x4)---> 20 x 20 (32 bit, retina)
        3. for accurate color representation, consider using dual monitor (one for retina and another for dot color)
      2. website/app design
        1. layout: 12 columns
        2. trend: flexible/fluid/liquid/elastic (e.g. a menu can be added as browser width gets wider)-> responsive (e.g. designers prepared four sets of images for an Innocean website)
        3. should designers prepare many sets of images to suit various screensize width?
          1. e.g. for Apple devices, 768 (on iPad’s portrait mode)-> 1024 (on iPad’s landscape mode) -> 1440 (on MacBook Air) -> 1920 (on iMac and MacBook Pro) -> 2560 (on iMac and MacBook Pro) -> 5120 (on iMac with Retina 5K display)
          2. c.f. 320 (iPhone 5), 414 (iPhone 6 Plus), 360 (Galaxy Nexus)
        4. design metaphor change: skeuomorphism -> flat (c.f. realtime blur, translucent)
        5. typography: Apple SD Neo Sans -> 윤고딕 700 (or 본고딕 Light) -> Neo 고딕 (DM) system font?
        6. copywriting: consider using meaningful/effective adverbs (e.g. Apple’s Korean site uses adverbs quite effectively to explain insight for products)

    1. Digital Re-branding / EXR, Lexus [Juhwan Yi@ Designfever, director]
      1. new term: 시간 masking, manifesto, mood board
  1. personal takeaway
    1. read this to understand difference between DPI, Resolution and Print vs. Web Images

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

KAIST Free Lecture on Thursdays



전문가를 초청하여 주제 발표를 듣고 토론하는 모임입니다. 원하시는 분은 누구나 참석하실 수 있습니다.
(주제 발표를 원하시는 분은 연락 주시기 바랍니다.)

Supported by Samsung SDS 
KAIST SW대학원 목요 세미나
매주 목요일 오후 5시, 장소 : KAIST 도곡동 교육장 (지도보기)
삼성SDS의 후원으로 일반인에게도 공개됩니다.
KAIST 대전캠퍼스 전산학과 4층 오상수 강의실에서도 같은 시간에 시청할 수 있습니다.

2012년 가을 학기

09월 06일송길영(주)다음소프트 부사장Trend Analysis via Social Big Data Mining
09월 13일김경섭정부통합전산센터장정부 클라우드 컴퓨팅 추진방향
09월 20일박일준지식경제부 정보통신산업정책관소프트웨어 정책추진현황 및 계획
09월 27일전승수한국과학기술기획평가원 정책기획본부 지식정보실, 부연구위원초연결 사회에서의 빅데이터 생태계와 소프트웨어 혁신
10월 04일최병호InnoUX 대표User Experience Design
10월 11일백두옥 창업진흥원 원장창업지원정책의 공과 과
10월 18일장병규본엔젤스 대표스타트업 성공의 조건
10월 25일김현곤한국정보화진흥원 국가정보화 기획단 단장빅데이터로 진화하는 세상
11월 01일최종덕삼성전자 SW R&D센터 부사장Tizen: a Standards-Based, Fully-Open Software Platform
11월 08일유병한저작권위원회 위원장스마트 시대의 저작권 이슈
11월 15일박혁진선거관리위원회 과장전자투표의 미래
11월 22일권영범(주)영림원소프트랩 대표ERP 경험에서 본 SW Business
11월 29일이제범대표/카카오카카오 플랫폼 전략
12월 06일이건표LG전자 부사장Emerging New Rules of Game in Design