Showing posts with label idea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label idea. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

[idea: contextual loading animation] let's help users stay within stream of thoughts!

idea: replacing the current typical and no-tasteful loading animations with web/app service's context-relevant and make-sense creative ones 

background: I bumped into many websites or apps where loading animation is typical circling ones (i.e. link).  That type of non-contextual animations interrupts and disconnects users' "flow" or stream-of-thoughts for a moment in finishing up what they wanted to accomplish by using the sites or apps.  Though creating a contextual loading animation may require some plannings but the effort will pay off.  For users at e-commerce sites, they can finish their shopping without the feeling of interruptions or distractions so that they can focus on purchasing the items that they had in mind.  For e-commerce businesses, since turnover per user, meaning users quickly buy items in their shopping carts instead of staying on payment page too long, can be slightly higher than their previous system, e-commerce sites' revenue can be increased. 

usecase: As soon as users select "Publish" icon (i.e. link) at, the site can display a printing process animation providing users an impression that their writings are being printed through a printing machine at a newspaper factory until users' writings are finished updating. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

[idea: programmable car] cars with programmed routine tasks

idea: allowing car owners to have a set of programmed functionality ready to execute for their cars

background: Current offering I'm familiar with in regard to programmed functionality for cars is seat-setting and registered favorite radio stations. If cars can also execute other pre-selected functions to perform at a convenience of a command (e.g. a click of a button or a voice command), the function may save some repetitive jobs that people do at their cars. 

usecase: as starters, common tasks such as rotating rear-view mirrors or setting car temperature to a certain degree 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

[idea: product] NLP (natural language processing) application for life-restoring contents (e.g. the Bible)

idea: as soon as people type Bible related query, we get quick answers with some options (e.g. changing source version)

background: a plethora of people searching Bible texts everyday and cutting steps to find Bible text, one of the largely searched info (source needed), can increase access frequency and take out barriers to find the truth to be shaped by the truth so that we will live a life God originally intended us to live

UI: e.g. for Bible, answer text on top and changeable book and source info with version at the bottom 

  • saying or typing [john 3:16], [john 3 16] or [john three sixteen] on any platform (e.g. iOS, Android, Auto, Wear, Android TV, future virtual reality) will return the searched Scripture (with or without TTS)
    • TTS: e.g. [Romans 10 17], [Romans chapter 10 verse 17], [tell me Romans 10 17], [read Romans 10 17] triggers "Romans chapter 10 verse 17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ." 
  • changing book or source info will return relevant text
  • i18n and l10n: e.g. [요한복음 3장 16절] for Korean
  • default source version: displaying verse in previously selected version
  • query suffix/prefix : e.g. for [john 3 16 niv], display the version in users' typed version
  • finding book, chapter, verse: e.g. [where in the Bible is faith comes from hearing] or [faith comes from hearing] returns "Romans 10 17" 
tool: (link)

c.f. add gamification