Tuesday, October 20, 2015

[class: PM Camp@Fast Campus#18] 프로젝트 관리 기법 #2 (my note is WIP)

7. 6 수
프로젝트 관리 기법 #2
프로젝트를 관리하기 위한 실제 예제
  • 프로젝트 관리를 위한 산출물과 서비스
  • 오피스를 사용한 산출물 관리 실습
  • 도구를 사용한 테스크 관리 실습
  1. Project Management Example [Sanghun Woo@Naver, UGC Development Center]
    1. lesson:
      1. backlog: list up all features (c.f. backlog helps create burndown chart)
      2. daily meeting: ask members to bring write-ups for what they did, are doing, and current issues for 10-15 minute daily meeting
      3. mature organization: planning and result are the same (e.g. easy backup when the person in charge is not around, short integration speed)
      4. what’s important in project management
        1. purpose needs to be shared: e.g. create backlog and share with all members
        2. consistency between members’ responsibility and task
        3. break-down big tasks into small tasks
        4. teamwork
        5. communication
      5. outsourcing: try to avoid outsourcing in software development
      6. user story: 누가, 무엇을 달성하기 위해, 이런 기능이 필요하다 (i.e. As a …, I want …, so that …)

    1. personal takeaway:
      1. user story: A user story is a tool used in Agile software development to capture a description of a software feature from an end-user perspective. The user story describes the type of user, what they want and why. A user story helps to create a simplified description of a requirement. <source: Wikipedia>

[class: PM Camp@Fast Campus#17] 프로젝트 관리 기법 #1 (my note is WIP)

7. 4 토
프로젝트 관리 기법 #1
성공하는 프로젝트 vs 실패하는 프로젝트
  • 성공/실패하는 프로젝트의 징조
  • 기능은 어떻게 나누고 일정은 얼마나 추정할까
  • 에자일 개발의 빛과 그림자
  • PM은 무슨 일을 해야 할까?
  • 외주, 유혹하는 성배
  1. Project Management- Meaning, Risk, and Success of Project  [Sanghun Woo@Naver, UGC Development Center (Cafe, Blog, Knowledge Man)]
    1. lesson:
      1. plan for the next weeks at PM class: project, methodology for project management, JIRA, user story, cohort analysis, Excel
      2. meaning
        1. what is project? new product making process, delivering complete project
        2. who is project manager? a person who knows completion of project
      3. risk
        1. serious risk for project management: not knowing progress of project status
        2. reason for risk management: difficult to measure productivity for knowledge workers
          1. man month myth occurs due to
            1. redistribution chaos: work change and switching cost?
            2. lack of discipline
            3. communication loss
          2. always communicate and open information by using all possible channels and methods
      4. success
        1. define success: cost reduction, revenue growth, etc.
        2. understand context: why this project got to be created, where this project exists in terms of priority
        3. driver (견인인자) and driver of project component for success
          1. client:
            1. triggering (1)
            2. UI (2)
            3. interaction (3)
            4. latency (4)
            5. browser support level (5)
            6. desktop, mobile and tablet support (6)
            7. i18n support (7)
            8. bug level by seriousness (8)
            9. time to delivery (9)
          2. internal: time
        4. constraint (제한인자):
        5. communicate driver and constraint

    1. personal takeaway:
      1. know risks and expose them
      2. receive manager’s sponsorship
      3. Pomodoro technique for time management: read
      4. PM may needs to know career development plans for designers and developers
      5. help build love points

[class: PM Camp@Fast Campus#16] 사용자 행동 데이터 분석하기 #4 (my note is WIP)

7. 1 수
사용자 행동 데이터 분석하기 #4
구글 애널리틱스에서 A/B 테스트하기
  • A/B 테스팅 개요
  • Google Analytics에서 A/B 테스팅하기
  1. AB Testing [Gyuyoung Kang@Box and Whisker, Founder]
    1. lesson:
      1. in AB testing, need to determine KPI first
      2. battery usage ⇔ attention of users
      3. funnel : 3~5 % for funnel conversion is average, 10% is good
      4. captology  (computer aided persuasion technology): trying to persuade humans by computers e.g. tunneling
      5. hick’s law: item number ⇔ time spent for decision-making
      6. forms: progressive engagement e.g. Amazon doesn’t make users type address when signing up
      7. exploration exists for improving accuracy (c.f. exploration vs. exploitation)

    1. personal takeaway
      1. study hot topic author’s teacher’s book

[idea: contextual loading animation] let's help users stay within stream of thoughts!

idea: replacing the current typical and no-tasteful loading animations with web/app service's context-relevant and make-sense creative ones 

background: I bumped into many websites or apps where loading animation is typical circling ones (i.e. link).  That type of non-contextual animations interrupts and disconnects users' "flow" or stream-of-thoughts for a moment in finishing up what they wanted to accomplish by using the sites or apps.  Though creating a contextual loading animation may require some plannings but the effort will pay off.  For users at e-commerce sites, they can finish their shopping without the feeling of interruptions or distractions so that they can focus on purchasing the items that they had in mind.  For e-commerce businesses, since turnover per user, meaning users quickly buy items in their shopping carts instead of staying on payment page too long, can be slightly higher than their previous system, e-commerce sites' revenue can be increased. 

usecase: As soon as users select "Publish" icon (i.e. link) at Blogger.com, the site can display a printing process animation providing users an impression that their writings are being printed through a printing machine at a newspaper factory until users' writings are finished updating. 

[class: PM Camp@Fast Campus#15] 사용자 행동 데이터 분석하기 #3 (my note is WIP)

6. 27 토
사용자 행동 데이터 분석하기 #3
구글 애널리틱스의 고급 기능 활용하기
  • 각종 사용자 정의 기능들
  • 정규표현식으로 검색하기
  • 세그먼트 만들기
  • 구글 스프레드시트와 연동하기
  • 분석 실습 #3
  1. App Log Architecturing, Regular Expression, Google Sheet Linking [Gyuyoung Kang@Box and Whisker, Founder]
    1. lesson:
      1. Regular Expression
        1. purpose: language finding string patterns
        2. two things to note: 1:1 대응, 3 patterns
        3. 3 patterns:
          1. character class: \d (i.e. [0-9]), \w (alphanumeric: [A-Za-z0-9]), \s (space, tab)
            1. e.g. 1\d, \w, \d\d\d\d/d\d/\d\d, \w\w\w\w\d\d
          2. ? (0~1), + (1~), * (0~)
            1. e.g. +, .+, 하기(\d )?.+::
          3. ( | ), [ ]
            1. e.g. (Elizabeth|Lizz), (아빠|형)[가이], (엄마|아빠)랑, [가나다abc123], [가나다a-e], [가-힣], /2015/0[1-5]/,  /2015/0[12345]/
        4. e.g. email pattern: e.g. \w+@[^\s]+\.\w\w\w?
        5. c.f. \\
      2. bounce
        1. bounce
        2. skim
        3. reader
      3. customized report: link to my example
      4. EDA (investigator role) -> CDA (judge role)
        1. watch out: usefulness

    1. personal takeaway:
      1. c.f. Project Gutenberg: free texts (good for example text)
      2. question: filter applies to all view?
      3. prepare reproducible analysis via automation
      4. read Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) by John Tukey-> Confirmatory Data Analysis (CDA)

[class: PM Camp@Fast Campus#14] 사용자 행동 데이터 분석하기 #2 (my note is WIP)

6. 24 수
사용자 행동 데이터 분석하기 #2
구글 애널리틱스의 데이터 수집/가공 방식 이해하기 및 탐색적 분석
  • 데이터 수집 이해하기
  • 데이터 가공 방식 이해하기
  • 각 지표의 계산 방법 이해하기
  • 분석 실습 #2
  1. Understanding GA’s data gathering and processing method and exploratory analysis [Gyuyoung Kang@Box and Whisker, Founder]
    1. lesson:
      1. key GA concepts:
        1. log: e.g. time, user CID (client ID), document path (e.g. URL/screen name), type (screenview/pageview, event), IP address, location data (e.g. city)
        2. metric and dimension
          1. metric (blue color in GA): numbers containing unit info (e.g. % Exit , Bounce Rate, Pageviews; 1,300 person, 1,300 USD, 1,300 clicks)
            1. pageview: to make PV useful, add dimension (e.g. content, time and location access) to metrics
            2. active user: differs depending on company’s business decision (e.g. Beat’s count AU
          2. dimension (e.g. green color in GA): “~별” e.g. Date, App ID
        3. event related term: c.f. event category (folder-like: e.g. gesture), action (verb: e.g. eat), label (object: e.g. item), value (number: e.g. 10 apple, 100 apple)
        4. Hypercube (or OLAP (online analytical process) (c.f. OLTP or online transaction process)) (c.f. OLAP cube: slicing, dicing, drill-up, drill-down)
      2. game application data analysis
        1. improving game metrics (ask which data is missing to make a decision-making and why do you want to know the data?):
          1. where people die
          2. which one killed them
          3. when do they play
          4. which device (screen size)/browser/language users use
          5. any areas users being misled
          6. 터치 vs. 키보드 조작의 난이도 -> 조작계 바꿔야 하는지 결정하기 위해
            1. average-time-on page
            2. player-eat-apple
          7. 언어 설정별 행동 차이 -> i18l, l10n 할지 결정하기 위해
            1. 첫 방문 세션에서의 도움말 페이지에서 exit rate
              1. en
              2. else
            2. 첫 방문 세션에서의 첫 플레이에 걸린 시간
            3. 첫 방문 세션에서의 첫 플레이에 먹은 사과 개수
          8. e.g. 얼마나 빨라지면 사람들이 그만두는가? -> 너무 빠르게 어려워지면 사람들이 게임을 다시 하지 않으니까
          9. 3분 이상 플레이를 한다 goal 달성률이 20% -> 난이도가 너무 높다 -> 난이도를 낮춰야 또는 골 수정하거나
          10. 난이도가 어느 정도이어야 사람들이 재플레이를 많이 할까?
          11. 3일 연속 접속자 없음
          12. 튕기는 사람 by 디바이스 -> 디바이스 별 설명 추가

  1. personal takeaway:
    1. game should reflect real-life: e.g. game difficulty setting can follow real life distribution in wealth
    2. watch out for positive feedback loop, redefine key metrics and provide negative feedback loop
    3. reduce retire people, provide matching