Friday, February 2, 2018

[my takeaway] "Steve Jobs - The Lost Interview"

"I always ask why you do things... nobody knows why they... "

Q. How to run business?
1. be a curious person
“In business, … if you are willing to ask a lot of questions and think about things and work really hard, you can learn businesses pretty fast not the hardest thing in the world.”

2. learn how to program
“I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer. Should learn a computer language because it teaches you how to think.”

3. help people have vested interest in your product
“... a lot of other people had a very strong vested interest in helping IBM make it better so if it’s just been up to IBM they would have been crashed and burned but IBM did have I think a genius in their approach which was to have a lot of other people have a vested interest in their success and that’s what saved them in the end.”

4. manage content people well
“People get confused that the process is the content that’s the ultimate downfall of IBM. IBM had the best processed people in the world. They just forgot about the content. And that’s what happened a little bit at Apple, too. We had a lot of people who were great at management process. They just didn’t have a clue as to the content. And in my career, I found that the best people you know are the ones that really understand the content and they are pain in the butt to manage but you put up with it because they are so great at the content and that’s what makes great products. It’s not process it’s content.”

5. don’t care about being wrong just get it right
“I don’t care about being right. I just care about success. So you will find a lot of people that will tell you that I had a very strong opinion and they presented evidence to the contrary and five minutes later and I completely changed my mind because I’m like that I don’t mind being wrong. I’ll admit that I’m wrong a lot. It doesn’t matter to me that much. What matters to me is that we do the right thing.”

[my takeaway: p13n] Build user profiles

Title: "Personalization, Demystified: How To Be 'Spot On,' Not 'Creepy'"

My takeaway: 
  • "Now Build That Profile- you should be collecting and culling data on how, when, and in what circumstances she reacts."
  • "Meaningful relevance emerges when content meets context."
Further reading: 

[my note] Amazon Fire Phone

  1. focus on one customer 
  2. give attention to details 
  3. do ways to earn to trust
    • do hard things well
    • repeat
  4. Firefly recognizes 9 different categories
    • email address
    • phone number
    • URL
    • barcode
    • TV episode
    • movie
    • book
    • song
    • QR code

[my note] AdWords Fundamentals assessment and Campus Seoul mentoring

Heekyung Kim, Google Regional Trainer

애드워즈 기초 인증시험 과정(AdWords Fundamentals assessment)

ROAS (return on ad spend)
ad ranking determinant: highest bid, quality number, ad extension

What to prepare before talking to "mentors"
  • know most important number, who you are (along with market), how specifically the mentors can help
  • tell mentors target market, customer, problem, and solution in 1 minute
  • compelling unique news item (product story, product launch, entering new market)
  • understand context of your industry to optimize best UI/UX
  • ASO (App store optimization)- know market, take advantage of keyword
  • use library service depending on the stage of your product (e.g. try using two libraries)
    • e.g. user flow, external market info, internal data visualization

[terms] ROI and ROAS

ROI = return on investment = net income / investment = net profit / investment = (total revenue - total cost) / total cost = (gain from investment - cost of investment) / cost of investment = (revenue - COGS) / COGS
<source: various>

ROAS = return on ad spend = (PPC revenue - PPC cost) / PPC cost

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

[productivity: my takeaway] after watching "Manage your time like a Google Pro | Calendar | The Apps Show"

post from Google Apps for Work:
post from Medium:

2 things I learned:
1. The Weekly Pulse - research result: "Energy starts low on Monday when you come out of the weekend and it peaks on Tuesday and Wednesday and it comes back down through the end of the week." - actionable example: on Mondays, plan week and set goals for the week; on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, make time for creative and GTD; on Thursdays, reach agreement with people (e.g., 1:1's, meetings for consensus); on Fridays, write expense reports, purchase orders, and attend compliance training 2. Description and Meeting Notes Attachment - Description: add "OWNER: (who will lead this meeting?)", "TYPE: (decision/1:1/informal catch up/etc.)", and "PURPOSE: (what's the goal or outcome? is any prep required?)" - Meeting Notes: "date of the meeting," "thoughts from the team (things attendees want to mention)", and "updates (room for updates or collaboration efforts that people are working on)"