5. 16 토
개발 #1 – 알고 보면 쉬운 개발 용어
다양한 개발 용어를 이해해 보자
- Getting familiar with development terms [Taegon Kim@Fancy.com, software engineer]
- lesson
- communication tips
- use numbers instead of descriptive wordings: e.g. move to the right by 15 px vs. move a little to the right
- provide detailed and tangible explanation instead of ambiguous and intangible: e.g. latency when pressing on Submit button vs. something wrong with text entry vs.
- use png instead of jpg (reason: difficult to pinpoint exact color)
- consider big picture (e.g. feasibility, resource, cost) first before making a request
- before asking questions:
- before asking any questions, read previous conversation history
- ask how long will it take to finish a task instead of you can finish this within short period of time
- image
- vector vs. bitmap (raster): vector (e.g. svg, ai format; icon image), bitmap (png, jpg, gif)
- 1 pixel: combination of red, green, blue
- color: 0~255 color
- #0000FF: first 00 (red), second 00, last FF, requiring 3 byte
- to express transparency, add another byte: e.g. rgba (255, 255, 255, 0.7)
- icon font: link
- the Internet and Web
- IP address
- localhost: (aka my computer)
- tracking command: e.g. dig taegon.kim +trace
- server-client: relative concept because the server can become a client
- developer
- role
- client side: web publisher, javascript
- server side:web application developer, DBA (database administrator), SE (system engineer)
- programming
- application code by condition
- repetitive code
- clustered code
- classification of programming language
- compile language
- server side: C/C++, Java
- client side: n/a
- interpreter language
- server side: Python, PHP, Ruby
- client side: JavaScript
- library and framework
- license
- GPL: need to make entire codes open source if used any (e.g. Linux related codes)
- LGPL: need to make codes regionally open source where modification happened
- BSD, MIT: no restriction in usage
- server service
- some concept: vertical scaling, sharding
- service: Baas, Paas, microservice (e.g. address service, paygate service)
- tool: e.g. asana.com, slack.com
- cookie: data leaving a mark on server
- c.f. cookie contains session id
- c.f. http: brings header and body info on network
- AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
- can do: text data, file upload (only in recent browsers)
- XHR (XMLHttpRequest) 2: allowing file uploads, auto-save
- cannot do: ?
- AJAX usage: check status at XHR on Chrome browser
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): A representation of structured data like XML; great for both server and client side developers
- API (Application Programming Interface): point of useful chunk of libraries
- XML (Extensible Markup Language): markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format which is both human-readable and machine-readable.
- SPA (Single-Page Application): a web application or web site that fits on a single web page with the goal of providing a more fluid user experience akin to a desktop application <source: Wikipedia>
- DOM (Document Object Model): document is referring to HTML doc, used in JavaScript
- DOM API: to make web page more dynamic
- personal takeaway
- understand rudimentary concepts to build web service