Tuesday, April 21, 2015

[conference] GDG Korea Android Conference

GDG Korea Android Conference
Campus Seoul
April 18, 2015 (Sat) 13:00~18:00
Android UX/UI design
  1. UX/UI Guidelines for Android 2015 [임성혁@Apps&Games Solutions Consultant]
    1. lesson
      1. basic
        1. Iconography: with transparency, xxxhdpi in resolution folder
        2. Notification: white notification icon (rule: transparency and white color with shape, 20x24 size], stacking (e.g. putting new messages together)
        3. SDK Version: target to the most updated version (e.g. 21.5.1) v. minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion <- modify within manifest
        4. Graphic Assets: screenshots resolution (include tablet screenshots 7 or 10 inch), hi-res icon, graphic image, feature graphic, promotion video (minimize uninstall rate from users)
        5. Localized Assets: language and images (localized explanation in description language and screenshots)
        6. Google Play Policy: keyword spam (e.g. too many usage, irrelevant keywords/description), app title (e.g. Android Mediaplayer), fake ratings & reviews (e.g. do you want to rate this app? rate and gain 500 coins), affiliate spam (e.g. contracted with such and such company)
        7. Permission: identity, contacts, location, SMS, phone <- include explanation
      2. Apps
        1. What feature in app: brief description before main app
        2. Sign in: various login options
        3. Tabs: scrollable tabs (i.e. swipeable tab menu)
        4. Touch Feedback: various status (e.g. long press, click, etc)
        5. Tablet Optimization: combination multiple views into one, compound views, orientation changes, full feature set for tablet users
      3. Games
        1. Play Game Services: auto sign-in PGS (log-in image -> play games log-in page; back key and cancel=> ?), entry point, achievements (at least 5) and leaderboard, manual sign-in PGS
        2. Back Button: dismiss pop-ups (when back button is selected), pause and resume (for time frame required)
        3. Tutorial: enable to skip (because too long; put icon about read again tutorial button)
    1. personal takeaway
      1. read Android and iOS UX guideline

  1. 테스트코드에서 코드 커버리지까지 [정승욱 (Steve Jung), Robolectric Contributor@Toss Lab]
    1. lesson and personal takeaway: for startups, time is more important than money

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