Sunday, October 26, 2014

[lecture] 디지털 교육의 현황과 미래 - KnowRe의 미국시장 진출 사례를 중심으로”<-(translation: the present and future of digital education - a focused example on KnowRe's U.S. market launch)

"디지털 교육의 현황과 미래 - KnowRe의 미국시장 진출 사례를 중심으로”
(translation: the present and future of digital education - a focused example on KnowRe's U.S. market launch) 
KAIST Dogok Software Grad School Chin’s AMP Hall 103-ho
October 23, 2014 5PM~6PM
김서준(Simon Seojoon Kim),  노리(KnowRe)/부사장(Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer) 
KAIST Software Graduate Program
digital education

I.       Message
  1. In math, each problem acts like a stepping stone for the next place
    1. “Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems.”- Descartes
  2. finding a pattern: knowledge unit, example and explanation video for each unit, content matrix for entire knowledge unit
    1. knowledge unit (interpretive; formulaic: formula; computational)
    2. knowledge chain
    3. math problem
    4. knowledge matrix
  3. business development process
    1. market research: market penetration in the U.S., blended learning (e.g. 47% in 2014, expecting 98% in 2020)
    2. market voice: received feedback at NCTM 2012 Philadelphia
      1. positive feedback: met 200 teachers, received positive feedback “want to use at school” from 84% of interviewed teachers
    3. hiring: interviewed and found a US rep person at NCTM 2012 Philadelphia
    4. investment: K Startup funding -> series A round funding from SoftBank Ventures Korea
    5. business type: game company-like business
      1. content gathering takes first before anything else
    6. recognition
      1. education field:  NYC DOE Gap App Challenge (1st place)
      2. media: Fast Company, the world’s top 10 most innovative companies in education
    7. pilot program: selected 37 out of 150 school applications, receiving 87% satisfaction
    8. risk management: dealt with teachers’ concern on “no-teacher needed?” question by providing improved engagement between through dashboard (i.e. check progress status)
  4. reason for choosing U.S. market: learned that societal consensus for the solution is important
  5. vision for digital edu: being able to provide contents customized for individual students
  6. market expansion plan: global market opportunity of B2B (schools) and B2C (students/parents) from the U.S. to East Asia
  7. business model: focus on schools in the U.S., direct-consumers in Korea, Japan and China
  8. role of class: information sharing and supplemental support from teachers

II.      My Takeaway
  1. Like solving a math problem or learning anything, each problem/challenge acts like a stepping stone for the next progress; thus, work hard to master each step as they approach
  2. KnowRe's attempt to create a content matrix platform where knowledge of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) is broken down to small knowledge unit and each unit is connected to each other can become the next Google's Knowledge Graph initiative to organize the world's information

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

[info] 정보 패턴 분석=> 연관성 도출=> 의사 결정 활용=> OKR

정보의 패턴을 분석해 연관성을 가져오고, 이를 의사 결정에 활용하는 빅 데이터 활용 좋아요.
1. 미국 샌프란시스코시 범죄 지도: 8년간 발생한 200여 종 범죄로부터 범죄 유형과 발생 지역 분석 => 경찰력 효율적 배치 => 범죄 예측 정확도 70%
2. 구글의 독감 트렌드: 전 세계 이용자 독감 관련 검색 실태 분석 => 해당 국가/지역 실제 독감 창궐 시기 예측 => 독감 예측과 실제 발생 일치
3. 빅 데이터를 활용한 식중독 예방: 12년간 부산,울산,경남 식중독 발생 이력, 원인균, 지역, 발생 음식, 날씨 분석 => 기숙사 유무, 지하수 사용 여부, 쓰레기 소각장 식당 거리 자료에 따른 학교 선정 예방 컨설팅 => 올 상반기에 작년 대비 식중독 환자 수 69.2% 줌

Monday, October 20, 2014

[HCI Trends 02 2014] for inclusive design, be the disabled instead of think disabled

Lesson learned from reading HCI Trends 2014 02

title: 장애인과 UX
author: 문태경 (이언인사이트 수석연구원,
my takeaway: for inclusive design, people involved with product development need to actually role-play the disabled instead of thinking as a disabled
"내가 장애인이라면 이라는 생각을 갖고 개발하지 말고요, 장애인이 돼서 개발을 하면 쉬울 거예요. 저 사람은 목 밖에 안 움직이니까 이렇게 하면 쉽지 않을까가 아니라, 직접 목만 움직이면서 입에다가 터치 펜을 물고 해 보면 어떤 게 더 편하다, 어떤 게 더 불편하다, 정확하게 알 수 있겠죠." - 지체 장애그룹 FGI 중에서

Friday, August 8, 2014

[Fireside Chat] Real Startup Scene in Silicon Valley

Real Startup Scene in Silicon Valley
D.CAMP 6th fl.
August 6, 2014 (Wed) 19:00~21:00
Sandro Mur (CEO, Bellabeat), Willie Williams (developer, Tsumobi)
advice on how to make global startup

  1. lesson:
    1. as a founder
      1. need to sell vision and stories to partners, customers, investors, and other people
      2. understand everything
      3. don’t be afraid because companies fail a lot of times in the beginning
    2. lessons from Y Combinator
      1. work super hard like 24/7: learn everything, more open, share with people, do everything to survive
      2. time to focus: shouldn’t be thinking anything else but your product; talk to customers all the time; focus on your product, customer, and direction
    3. biggest challenge
      1. hiring good and positive people (e.g. developers)- test them by giving them projects and work with them
      2. managing things (e.g. customers)
      3. designing UI which follows trends
    4. pitching to investors
      1. sell your stories: good clean pitch (don’t say too much; always say and show less and say as clear as possible)
    5. find similar people who are going through the same process
      1. your network grows and you will find existing solutions
    6. raising funds
      1. wrong
        1. give unbounded time
      2. right
        1. build momentum (while your business is hot and popular): focus one month and then tell other investors about the investments you received from other investors
        2. use networks: no need to look for new investors; instead of being introduced, you are already best friends
  2. Q&A
    1. globalization strategy: test in small scale (e.g. in one country) and spread
    2. patent?
      1. file as few as possible
      2. file for defense
    3. what keeps you going?
      1. I have a belief that I can change things that no one can
    4. why Y Combinator?: mainly for financial needs
  3. Announcement
    1. in 3 weeks, designers from Uber, Instagram, and Spotify will come and share wisdom
    2. in 6 weeks? Growth Hacking
  4. Personal takeaway
    1. computer is good at recognizing patterns
    2. work hard!

Friday, June 20, 2014

[lecture] 글로벌 SW 제품의 성공 조건”<-(translation) Success requirements of software products for global markets

글로벌 SW 제품의 성공 조건
-       (translation) Success requirements of software products for global markets
KAIST Dogok Software Grad School Chin’s AMP Hall 103-ho
June 5, 2014 5PM~7PM
차상균서울대 전기정보공학부 교수 (translation) Sang Kyun Cha; Professor at Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SNU
KAIST Software Graduate Program
disruptive technology

I.       Message
1.       Need to work on disruptive innovation changing the paradigm of markets instead of mere innovation
2.       Difference between dreamers and visionaries
1)      Visionaries can create a roadmap with successful historical background
2)      Dreamers just imagine big with no actions
3.       Strategists vs. sales people
1)      Strategists: Search for customer requirements
4.       Innovator’s Dilemma: Change in fundamentals in technology can disrupt the game of market
1)      Definition of innovation: Changing the current world
2)      Action item: Predict the unforeseen future and its requirements and prepare
5.       Crossing the Chasm by Geoff Moore [book: link]
6.       c.f. SAP was founded in 1972

II.      Takeaway

1.       Take actions in developing on disruptive technologies

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

[personal UX/UI review] some observations

-. Case: rusted window frame
-. Issue: bad choice of material for the frame
-. Recommendation: use low maintenance required and long-lasting materials for building components

-. Case: Beans and Barnes signs
-. Issue: no inclusion of Korean pronunciation; this can a serious issue for especially first-time customers who would like to search the name and use its services because it takes extra time for them to figure out.
-. Recommendation: include Korean pronunciation of the store name to assist people who can't pronounce the name

Monday, May 26, 2014

[personal UX/UI review] good naming for a government organization

-. case: naming of a government organization
-. positive: the name includes "service" where this place could have been just "community center"; the inclusion of the word service is a perspective changing statement. I don't know the civil servants working in this organization are aware of deep philosophical meaning of their organization naming in English, but I'd like to compliment on the person who translated "주민센터" to potentially remind everyone in the organization go back to basics of its existence.