Tuesday, April 14, 2015

[conference] 실리콘밸리의 한국인: 글로벌 IT무대에서 활약하는 우리들의 이야기 (translation: Koreans in Silicon Valley: Our Action Story on Global IT Stage)

실리콘밸리의 한국인: 글로벌 IT무대에서 활약하는 우리들의 이야기
(translation: Koreans in Silicon Valley: Our Action Story on Global IT Stage)
Naver Green Factory Connect Hall
April 14, 2015 (Tue) 9:00~18:30
list (link)
Naver, Startup Alliance, K Internet
start-up, career, innovation

  1. 실리콘밸리101 - 당신이 알고 싶었던 실리콘밸리의 모든 것 [음재훈 Jay Eum, Co-Founder & Managing Director@TransLink Capital]
    1. lesson
      1. how to determine good company: use common sense
      2. VC’s life: fundraising ⅓, investment ⅓,
      3. advice on hardware startup
        1. front-end: design, app
        2. back-end: data, cloud
    2. personal takeaway: use common sense to choose a startup to work for

  1. Y Combinator에서 배운 스타트업 엑셀러레이션 [하형석 Hyungseok Dino Ha, CEO@Memebox Corp.]
    1. lesson: growth focus, growth only
      1. one question weekly asked: how much % growth for the past week
    2. personal takeaway: you can’t succeed if you keep sitting around

  1. 영어를 잘 못하는 창업자가 실리콘밸리에서 일하는 법  [이수인 Sooinn Lee, Co-Founder@Locomotive Labs]
    1. lesson and personal takeaway: CEOs need to learn how to be CEO e.g. CEO Bootcamp

  1. 하버드와 MIT의 수재들 디자인으로 리드하기  [이혜진 Hyejin Lee, CEO@THE MEME design]
    1. lesson:
      1. Good to Great: good is the enemy of great, who is more important than what
      2. Meet your new you and converse with him/her
    2. personal takeaway: in choosing where to work, among other lists to consider, choose who instead of what

  1. 촌놈, 미국에서 글로벌 기업의 사업부를 이끌다 [오태호 Taeho Oh, Global business executive specialized in mobile and multimedia@Dolby Laboratories]
    1. lesson:
      1. business culture
        1. passion, not emotion
        2. productivity via email, conference call
        3. work more than it looks
      2. the way of thinking
        1. always ask why
        2. work together; debate
        3. say it’s mine
      3. to be a leader
        1. communication by ongoing practice
        2. build a great team
        3. be confident
    2. personal takeaway: always ask why and be confident

  1. 실리콘밸리와 한국 스타트업의 문화 차이  [Mike Kim, Global Partnerships@Woowa Brothers]
    1. lesson: best time to be in Korea for startups
    2. personal takeaway:
      1. list up what I learned from Google
      2. list up what kinds of problems I have solved
      3. list up experiences per domain experience, communication capability, teamwork

  1. 나도 할 수 있다는 혁신 - 맨주먹으로 시작하기 [권기태 Kitae Kwon,Technical Manager@TSMC]
    1. lesson:
      1. bootstrapping: customer funded company by income, savings, credit cards, second mortgage, etc.
      2. how boostrapping? e.g. through hacking
      3. excel in execution: the only key for success
      4. radical experiments: ready -> fire -> aim (reason: cost of fail < opportunity)
    2. personal takeaway:
      1. experiment, experiment and experiment fast!!!
      2. build your product from starting with smaller projects

Sunday, April 5, 2015

[personal UX/UI review] Jura's automatic coffee machine

Case: Jura's coffee maker
Positive: contextual menus on machine screen; see how the menu screen changes from normal (photo above) to in progress (photo below) 

Positive: displaying "visibility of system status," the first principle of the 

"10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design" by Nielsen Norman Group so that users can know their coffee brewing status 

Friday, April 3, 2015

[lesson] 미국무부 경제부문 차관보 Charles Rivkin

At Startup Alliance, just attended a talk by Charles Rivkin, an Assistant Secretary of the State. So many good lessons relearned. 
1. Don't take no for an answer. 
2. Failure reveals character. 
3. Read and comprehend Korean/English faster on spot to address issues. 
4. Cultivate a manner of respect.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

[lesson] 힐링캠프, 기쁘지 아니한가 161회 물음특집 2탄 - 김봉진 대표, 김영하 작가 편 (translation: Healing Camp #161)

video source: link
lessons I learned when watching Healing Camp #161

tips on how to approach investors
  1. clearly explain identity of your service
  2. first, know the most important metrics for your service; then, through the metrics, explain how your service gets to grow consistently while meeting your service goal
  3. view investors as people to learn from instead of people to take advantage of; interact with them to gain lessons

general tips in life
  1. begin everything (e.g. especially your work) in life by defining what it is
  2. shoot for growth not success

[lecture] “성장하고 성공하는 서비스를 만들기 위한 서비스 디자인의 이해" (translation: Understanding Service Design to Create Growing and Successful Service)

My note below is work-in-progress. Need to update to reorganize lessons. Thanks!

“성장하고 성공하는 서비스를 만들기 위한 서비스 디자인의 이해" (translation: Understanding Service Design to Create Growing and Successful Service)
D.CAMP 5th Fl.
December 18, 2014 (Thu) 19:30~21:30
고영혁 (Dylan Ko)
service design
  1. lesson:
    1. requirement for successful service
      1. growth: continuously generating revenues in upward direction from past to present
      2. growth curve: through post-mortem, identify bottlenecks suppressing growth
      3. defined success: define success/goal (e.g. solving customers challenging problems)
        1. for me, many people restore relationships with God, others, and themselves
    2. thoughts regarding service
      1. definition of service: tangible or intangible products which actualize value creation to activate business model
      2. examples of service component
        1. customer: mostly people who hire/use the service
        2. experience: people’s perception or feeling on the service; need to feel easy when using the service (<- information architecture needs to be well flowed so that people don’t need to be stressed out to find next steps)
    3. concepts to be familiar with
      1. bootstrapping: minimal profitability (c.f. profit= revenue - cost) to survive without funds
      2. service: value creation through problem solving
      3. business model= monetize value
      4. service design: everything that service providers do to bring quality service
    4. data design to make service successful
      1. need to have time concept of both static and dynamic: static as in snapshot of time and dynamic as in observing changes over time
      2. need to track causality so the learned lessons on service can be reusable
        1. when: not time but contextual case (e.g. when conducting a specific marketing)
        2. what: (e.g. the inflow of people increased)
        3. how: (e.g. )
        4. result: (e.g. )
      3. keep record of case history to learn from success and keep applying the success
    5. efficient growth (consider lean startup)
      1. meaning of lean: no unused items
      2. lean process: idea -> (make) -> product ->(measure) -> data -> (learn) -> go back to idea and iterate the process fast
    6. growth hacking- mixture of engineering and marketing
      1. meaning: maximize ROI
      2. concept: product (define and improve), marketing & sales filled with experiments at the intersection
      3. component: viral growth through landing page optimization, product management, SEO, onboarding, UX, behavioral economics, behavioral economics, email marketing, and analytics at core of all activities
    7. one of the best ways to learn service design
      1. create and launch at markets and go through one cycle
      2. watch global services (e.g. Facebook) how being transformed
    8. data design
      1. manage time appropriately:
        1. must have timestamp (need to find out users’ patterns e.g. buy at the point of checking-out, return and buy after 3 days), tables (e.g. user ID, product info, purchase method) (which users who signed-in when users sign-out), both time and time span are important; thus, keep record of both time and time span 
      2. my data should be able to tell my service’s value
        1. e.g. 땡처리 (“uber discount sale”)  (value: price difference, variety of products, coverage) => price: display history of price discount, coverage
      3. my data needs to contain key responses of users
        1. make distinctions
          1. between important and unimportant responses
          2. real and not real cases (i.e. bug)
          3. intentional and unintentional
      4. event’s group and structure
        1. independant event and continuous events need to be distinctive (e.g. credit card selection event: credit card payment selection precedes prior to credit card selection)
    9. what is metrics?
      1. static vs. dynamic
      2. void (exaggerated metrics: click, page view, visit, unique visitor, follower/friend/like) vs. actionable (results identifiable info: purchased, clicked detailed category of information: e.g. thumbnail-> number, rolling)
    10. requirements for good metrics
    11. to succeed, minimize unnecessary failures,
    12. MVP (minimum viable product): good features to test the users responses
      1. minimum (crappy products nobody wants to use) + viable (the product you want to build)
        1. include only one feature
    13. interactive prototyping
      1. mockup, wireframe
      2. prototype: service creator shouldn’t decide which one to launch MVP
        1. paper prototyping
      3. flow: repetitive use

  1. Personal takeaway
    1. read slideshare which contains images and concise texts
    2. study MVP (minimum viable product)
    3. study axure (an interactive mockup program) (c.f. 450 USD for collaborative feature and 300 USD for basic)

Friday, December 5, 2014

[Fireside Chat] Building Korea’s Startup Ecosystem by Up Global

Building Korea’s Startup Ecosystem
Maru 180 B1 Event Hall (Gangnam-gu Yeoksam-ro 180, Seoul, Korea)
December 5, 2014 (Fri) 15:30~17:00
William Fitzgerald, Google
Joon Oh, MangoPlate / Startup Grind
Mike Orgill, Airbnb
Mark Tetto, The Ventures
Up Global (consolidated org from Startup Weekend and Startup America)
listen to insights to build holistic view on how startup ecosystem works, which I believe eventually help me to provide quality QA due to understanding big pictures of startups and their community

  1. lesson:
    1. William Fitzgerald, Google
      1. attend Startup Weekend to fail fast and start new things with massive actions
        1. Talent: diverse assets (e.g. gender, nationality)
        2. Density: collection of resources physically located close to each other
        3. Culture: entrepreneurism is considered as positive
        4. Capital: multiple choices to get funds
        5. Regulatory Environment: cooperative government
      2. strategic adjustment: use suitable platforms to serve locales e.g. Park Here (changed map platform from Naver to Google Maps to serve countries other than Korea)
      3. use Google for Entrepreneurs: e.g. take advantage of Startup Grind
    2. Joon Oh, MangoPlate/Startup Grind
      1. be open about failures by sharing them with other entrepreneurs
    3. Mike Orgill, Airbnb
      1. learn how companies can comply with governments
      2. don’t mess up with culture and make the culture scalable
    4. Mark Tetto, The Ventures
      1. for any startups, each hour spent creates a big difference; thus, work hard and try new things as much as you can
      2. check business ideas with other people before quitting jobs

  1. personal takeaway
    1. take actions. massive actions. get involved with start-up events now
    2. refrain from hiring Korean anchors for moderators
    3. remove distractions: e.g. get rid of “cameramen,” check microphone before events